General & Laparoscopic Surgery

Our Doctors

Dr. Ritesh Soni

MBBS, DNB (General Surgery), FMAS, FIAGES, FALS

General, Laparoscopic & Cancer Surgeon

Expert in basic and advanced Laparoscopic Procedures, Coloproctology and Cancer Surgeries

General Surgery Unit

  • Hernia

  • Hydrocele

  • Thyroid gland Benign and malignant dis. Surgery

  • Breast Cancer management

  • Peripheral vascular disorder management

Hepatobilary Unit

  • Management of Gall Bladder stones

  • Chronic and acute cholecystisis

  • Management of choledochar cyst

  • Management of obstructive jaundice

  • Pancreatico-jejunostomy procedure

  • Hepaticojejunostomy Lap / Open

  • Whipples Procedure

Laparoscopy Unit

Diagnostic of Laparoscopy

  • Lap Appendix, Gall Bladder, Biopsy of Inflammatory Dis Metastatic disc, Lap Hernia, lap Advanced surgeries, Bariatric Surgeries

Endoscopy Unit

  • Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy of Upper and lower GI tumor excision, Polyp, Ulcer, Biopsy, and total excision dilation of strictures. Variceal banding & Glue Injection

Cholorectal Unit Lap & Open

  • Appendicular malignancy, Colonic malignancy Carcinoma of Caecum, Carcinoma of Hepatic Flexure

  • Transverse Colon Malignancy

  • Splenic Flexure Malignancy

  • Descending Colon Malignancy

  • Rectum and sigmoid colon malignancy

  • Familial polyposis syndrome Management

  • Ulcerative Colitis & Chron S Disease

  • Fissures / Fistula / Hemorrhoid Management